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Log4j Vulnerability - Simplified

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"Oh no, not another one on Log4j !!!" I completely understand the sentiment! 😊

The recent Log4j vulnerability is probably the most talking point among the technology community recently and you will find a flood of posts/videos covering this. However, this one is slightly different - let me explain.

Like any other technology enthusiast out there and curiosity of knowing more about this, I read and listened to many posts/videos. However, while I could understand most of it, there were still many burning questions for me which I couldn't find answers for or it was scattered all around and took too much time to arrive at the right post which presented the answer to satisfy myself. 

Experiencing this, thought I could consolidate all of my queries at one single place with simple explanations and understanding so I get past this once and for all. I don't intend to re-write the explanations I found beautifully explained in a simple manner - so for most, you will find a direct link to that post/video for explanations on questions which I personally found best to understand. 

Hopefully, this will help and save hours of probably another friend of mine finding himself/herself in similar situation somewhere in the community. 

So yeah, that's about it - the reason for this post. The Q&A is present here on the Github so others can also contribute to this. Please feel free to submit your additions and corrections, if any, as you see them fit. However, please make sure your submissions have clear answers with simple explanations and unique in the list - this could very well be a link to another article.

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