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My Life at PICT

"Hey Deepak, start studying !! Enough enjoyment for you in last sem of your college.... " When I heard this from my mom after my BE photosession in college , I was totally engrossed in my memories of PICT college life. Yes, its true; its my last few months of college life !! I still vividly remember, last year when i was in TE, I was standing alone at the third floor when i saw my seniors (BE) enjoying their BE photosession. "I will be amongst them next year !! But its a long way to go. Many tasks remain to be accomplished now !! ". PICT college life not only gave me my academic knowledge but the most important lessons in my life which I would have missed if I had been somewhere else. I would like to share with you now, my experiences !!

"PICT" !! I never heard of this name before when i gave my MAH-ASSO-ENGG-CET. Frankly speaking, the exam was just a formality to me. I wanted COEP, EnTC. But unfortunately, I did not get that. I had fallen short of few marks. I had a choice between MIT EnTC and PICT Comp. That was the first time I heard PICT !!. After many discussions with my well-wishers, I got admitted to PICT.

I still remember my first day in college. A bit nervous, a bit excited too, entering to my professional life ! When I attended the first lecture of Dr. K. C. Nandi Sir, the best professor (to me) , the talk which he gave during that 1 hour; I was really motivated. That evening when i went to home, I decided that i'll work hard and will become the best Computer Engineer in true sense and started studying from that moment itself !!

An innocent little kid, isn't it ? :)

We'll that level of sincerety and hard-working nature was inculcated in me at that time which faded as time passed. Quite natural !! But shouldnt be. I really worked hard my FE, studied regularly which is not obvious today ! :) I Gave my FE 1st exam to the best I can. But, the BME (Basic Mechanical Engg.) paper was a nightmare to me and to some of my colleagues as well. I was worried if I would clear that. As human nature, negative thoughts gathered around me. “Starting engg life with a backlog? Surely, No”. If I'll have that, first time in my life I would be a failure. Most of the nights went sleepless. Eventually, results were declared and I was First class with distinction with good percentage ! I cleared BME also. My happiness had no bounds !!! A good start to academics, but my thoughts were not positive and practical.

Saying about my FE 2nd sem, I was trapped with the most hectic schedule of my life. I was staying in Chinchwad, almost 30kms away from PICT and was travelling daily. I realized that the two subjects of which most of the FE's are afraid of, Graphics and Mechanics, need classes. How would I adjust my time in this busy schedule? 10-5 college, almost 4hrs of travelling and time for classes as well. A big question mark for me ! But I made my mind, no matter what amount of hard-work to be done, I AM READY FOR IT !! My day started at 5:00 AM and I used to reach home at 10:00 PM attending tutions and college. Whatever little time in between I used to get, I devoted that for my personal studies and I scored well !! Someone has rightly said, "Where there is a will, there is a way !!".

With great ambitions and expectations , I moved to Second year of Engineering. I told my parents to move to the vicinity of PICT so that I'll get more time to learn and study. I sorted out pros and cons of it because it was not an easy decision. Many opposed me at first, but later they realized I was correct in all ways ! Studies started and as usual I started working hard and also enjoyed to some extent because of the extra time I got which I was deprived of in FE.

Now, enough of talking about the good old days. From second year, I was subjected to many things that taught me very good lessons for life. I realized, not only good academics but your strength and courage of facing life problems makes you an intelligent human being. Some of the lessons I would like to share so that it may help you as it did for me.

1. I learned that failure and success in exams and even in life are the part and parcels of life. Don’t be excited from success and depressed from failure. If you are living, You have to face it. No one escapes from it.

2. Unfortunate things in life allows you to test friends whether they really are !! Do they even like you and care for you when you are not the best ? Fortunately, I have a few of them who stood for me in all stages.

3. I learned that no one in this world is more special to me other than my parents. They are the one who loves you forever no matter what happens to you. I learned that nothing else is more important than making your parents happy and fulfilling your responsibilities towards them.

4. I learned to be in zero state, a state where you should reside throughout your life. If success, accept it, be happy and continue your job normally. Don’t be carried away with it. If failure, accept it and continue your job normally with more sincerety and hard-work involved in it. Don’t be depressed as though what will happen now? Failure and Success are temporary things in life.

5. I have learned not to expect anything from anyone. Expectations do hurt.

6. I learned to classify things between needs and wants. Always concentrate on “needs”, “wants” will automatically follow. I hope you understand that. It’s very important.

7. I learned to be practical in life. Don’t go for theory knowledge of living. It does not work all the time. I am saying this from my personal experience. Otherwise you may land-up in trouble.

8. Try saying “NO” to someone if you cannot or don’t want. Live life by our own terms. Be best for good people. Don’t care what others will think. Others don’t come to you when you really need someone. They come only when you are on top.

9. Try to classify people on the basis of their behaviour towards you and act accordingly.

10. I learned "Face life as it comes ! You have to move forward in every case".

11. I have learned not to trust anyone in life so easily.

12. I learned that negative thoughts are externally generated outside you and you are much stronger to oppose that. Whatever you think, your sub-conscious is going to act on it. So always think positive.

13. Always say to yourself, you have done your best in any situation, now GOD will decide and give results to you. Don’t think about it anymore ! Don’t perform HIS role.

14. I learned that its human nature to make mistakes. No one in this world is perfect. As rightly said “To Err is human, To forgive is GOD.”

I learned….. Well the list is endless !!! Now I think whatever happens to you in life, good or bad, teaches you a lot. HE always test you in every situation and you have to pass in it. Give your preference more to that “pass” than to “pass” in academics. Don’t ask “WHY ME ?? “ always say “TRY ME !! “. Always stay happy and cheerful !!!

At this time, most of the readers will say “What a philosophy !!! “ . Friends, I don’t know and don’t care what to call it but these are the lessons I have learnt and which was necessary to me which can transform one’s life from good to better and from better to best. If you feel it’s right, do apply it.

Coming back to my PICT life, struggle still continues but NOW I am enjoying it. Whatever life gave to me I happily and positively accepted that and moved forward. Each day is new and every moment is struggle. Charles Darwin said “Survival of the Fittest”. Apply it. Everyone has problems in life but all may be of different kind. You can’t classify them as more or less. It means different for different people.

I am thankful to PICT for teaching me all these things. And thanks for the readers as well to have patience reading this.

Thank you !! Take a very good care of yourself !! :)

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